Do you believe in you? This is a tough question. As moms, we continuously encourage our kids to do and be their best and believe that they can do whatever they want. But we are not great at modeling this. Think about it. Would you speak to your best friend the way you speak to yourself? What would you say to someone who spoke to your children using those words?
One day, perusing LinkedIn, I found a post about a woman looking to expand her business. I responded, learned more, and joined her two days later. Why? Because I found women just like me - women with children, women who were motivated and driven, women who were bright and kind, women who were supportive and abundant, wanting to live life, be with their kids, and have financial opportunities. Within two years, I was able to leave my corporate job. Now I work flexible hours and can be home with my kids, travel, visit family and friends, read, work out when I want, and live life rather than work life.
Some may say I've been lucky. I actually heard someone say that the other day, and it surprised me. Yes, I was lucky to be in the right place at the right time and have this opportunity presented to me. But I was open, looking, and willing to take a chance on something that some would scoff at. Yes, I have been lucky to be able to leave my corporate position and have flexibility since I'm my own boss. But I have worked consistently every day since I started my business, even if it's just 30 minutes a day.So back to you. Do you believe in yourself? What do you want out of life? What do you want your life to look like in 5 years? 10 years? 20 years? Is it worth it to you to put in a little time every day? What do you want your future self to say to you? That you regret the chances you didn't take? Or that you tried? Ultimately, is 30 minutes a day worth it to you to have that life? Or will fear hold you back? I'm living proof that if you start talking to yourself the way you deserve, the way you should be modeling for your children, that you, too, can have the life you want and deserve. It all starts with that one question. What say you? Do you believe in you?
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