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Cyndi Walter - It's About Your Goals Being Bigger Than Your Excuses

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Cyndi Walter on the Mompreneur Next Door Platform, an abundant leader and mom who I initially connected with via LinkedIn. Cyndi has been involved in four work-from-home opportunities, so she has a unique viewpoint and shared benefits and challenges of different direct sales/network marketing business models.

Cyndi first learned about direct sales while putting herself through college, and it opened her eyes to the power of what the business can offer. When she became a mom, a friend introduced her to another home-based business, and she realized that it was a great way to earn
money and still be with her kids. She was part of a party-plan business for a while and loved it because it was a great way to socialize and get out of the house while earning money. She switched to another party-plan business that gave her more earning potential and soon became one of the tops in the company. As her kids got older and had more evening activities, Cyndi was looking to get out of the party-plan model and find something where she could leverage networking and social media. Her research helped her find a health and wellness business that she loves and has completely changed her and her family's lives.

With Cyndi's wealth of knowledge and years of experience in the business, she has answers to most any question for those considering something like this. I asked her one of the most obvious ones, that being what the biggest benefits of her business have been. She named a few, but one of the most poignant was the fact that she can pay for her kids' college. Her upbringing was very different from her children; since she put herself through college, she worked full time and it took seven years for her to graduate. Cyndi is extremely grateful that her business is giving her kids the gift of being able to experience college life more fully as their financial obligations are taken care of.

Owning your own business is not always easy, no matter the industry, and of course Cyndi has faced challenges as well. One of the biggest ones she faces is that her health and wellness business is built upon helping people - helping people earn supplemental and sometimes life-changing income and helping people get great results with their products, and sometimes she wants it more for her team than they want it for themselves. Cyndi says it's all about your goals being bigger than excuses, but not everyone has a similar vision.

These are just the tip of all of the amazing information Cyndi related. Along with the benefits and challenges of running her own business, she also shared three actionable items for anyone at any point in their life, not just moms or mompreneurs, in the video interview that you can watch here. If you're already doing a home-based business or thinking about one, you will not want to miss it!


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